Monday, September 29, 2014

The Tournant in the yeast Station!
The time in the yeast station was great! I enjoyed workingin there especially  with Jenn. I was glad to be in there again to get some more confidence and knowledge of yeast products!  We always have been busy with keeping up the work, but the products still turned out very good. If you are together with a friend times flies by and ist more fun and enjoyable ;). The following week I am the kitchen Manager which will be even more exciting! It is very important to know how to do laundry and dishes, because cleaning is a big  part of baking. Clean as you go so there is no big mess and you dont have to rush when ist time to go into the classroom and learn a lesson!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

                                            A week in the Cookie Station

My week in the cookie station was quite relaxing and fun. When I try making cookies at home they turn out too crunchy/hard or too soft so they fall apart. In the bakeshop it is a  totally different story.
The recipes are great and easy to make, the products mostly turns out how it supposed to. I also got to do some snicker bars, which didn't turn out that great because the cookie crumb bottom part wasn't divided equally in half so one bar was great and the other way too flat. But you know you learn from experience and from mistakes, and this is what makes it fun and enjoyable. Your friends are there to help you and also our great teacher which is always there for us. The thing I like is that I get to be in a different station every week and get to have a "hands on" practice. The station that I love to be in so far is the yeast station, because I have brought some experience into this station  which makes it easier for me to create those yeast products. I m very excited what I am fount to learn in the coming weeks and in the station I haven't been yet. It will for sure be great and I m looking forward to it!

Sunday, September 21, 2014


A little known fact that many of my friends and family are aware of is the fact that I love to bake (obviously, otherwise I wouldn't have willingly enrolled myself in a baking program), but I must admit, I'm not the most creative when it comes to icing stuff and garnishing desserts. I love making brownies and cookies and banana bread because there isn't as much pressure to make them look all fancy and pretty afterwards, but when it comes to cupcakes and cakes of sorts, you may have to pull my leg a bit before I agree to making any. Nevertheless, today I decided I needed some practice with my icing skills and made a batch of lemon cupcakes for my family. Once the cupcakes were out of the oven and had cooled I whipped up some homemade lemon-flavoured butter cream icing and began piling some into my piping bag. After looking on Google for some inspiration, I started my journey, and I must admit I'm actually kind of pleased with how some of them turned out. Of course I need quite a bit more practice, but that's why this baking program is so wonderful. I'm getting hands-on experience every day in a bakeshop with a wonderful teacher. I can't wait till level two when we get more into cakes and stuff like that.

Friday, September 19, 2014

 Bagels baking......
 Brandy Snap Cigars with Chantilly
Rolling pie shells...

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Pizza pops
 Cinnamon Buns
Fruit Tart

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Yeast products- cinnamon buns

                                                       First week experience in the bakeshop!

The first week in the bakeshop went by fast, with lots of fun and new  things to take on the road.
Most of the time I was doing soup buns/ hamburger buns and also cinnamon buns. It was great to have the opportunity learning about different yeast products and the way that they are made. I had lots to laugh about while doing the cinnamon buns and that is why I wrote a little poem  about it! :

                                                                 Cinnamon bun:

                                                Cinnamon bun so yummy and so fun!
                             Once you got the hang of it , you ll get them done very quick!
           Grab some friends and have some fun rolling the dough and laughing in the sun!
                                                   Thats the way you make the bun!
                                             So keep on working and have some fun!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Special Tarts and Pastries

On my first week of attending the baking and pastry arts program I worked in the Special Tarts and Pastries station. I learnt how to make tart dough and fillings using different methods like the creaming method, which gets used a lot. Decorating the desserts was my favorite part. Using the piping bag to make rosettes and adding fruits and mint leaves were my highlights in this station. There is a lot of time and effort put into desserts especially cakes because there are three main different steps. These steps include making the dough, then making the filling and lastly cutting it into slices and decorating. This week I’m in the Quick breads and Cakes station and I’m really excited to bring some of my own recipes into my station.

Bee-Sting Cake


Bakeshop Catering

Please give at least 48 hours notice for orders.  Keep in mind that some orders are not possible due to size, class schedules, number of students available, etc.

Cookies - $12/dozen
  • Chocolate Chip
  • Oatmeal Raisin
  • Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip
  • Double Chocolate Smartie
  • Granola Bars
Muffins or Breakfast Slices - $18/dozen
  • Zucchini Pecan
  • Carrot Raisin
  • Chocolate Chip
Brownies - $12/dozen
Nanaimo bar - $12/dozen
Date square - $12/dozen
Cinnamon buns - $15/dozen
White, Whole Wheat or Flax Bread - $2 / loaf

Email your order requests to

NPC Bakeshop is open...

Students roll out whole wheat dough for cinnamon buns.  What a great group of students we have this semester.  They did a wonderful job their first week in the bakeshop!