Friday, October 28, 2016

This is Challah, this is what I baked Monday, and then I was allowed to take some pieces home yesterday, my parents loved it! and I liked it very much too. When I came home, and after my dad tasted it he's like how long does it take you to make challah and I like I don't know and then he said go on make it and then I had to say I don't have my recipe book with! I was glad I didn't take it with because I didn't want to bake right after I had baked already in school. I made already some croissants they look very pretty but didn’t bake them yet, but I going to bake them today and I am very interested how they will turn out. In the bakeshop it is so much fun to be with people you understand each other fairly well. I plan on taking baking & Pastry next year too, because I love baking very much. I love this class because we don’t do much of classroom work. Most of the time we’re in the bakeshop. On November 2 our class with the culinary classroom will drive to Nature’s farm, and I can’t wait at all. I’ll tell you next time how was.