Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Smore's Cake

The week I was in the tournant station I was able to make a peanut butter smores cake, which I have never made before. It took me three or four days to make this cake because there were so many components to it. Most of the ingredients that the recipe called for I had to also make as well. For example the recipe called for simple vanilla syrup. It also called for a chocolate and peanut butter gianduja, a graham cracker crust, a flourless sponge, a milk chocolate bavarian cream, a milk chocolate mirror glaze, and chocolate cigars. So since we didn’t already have those things made I had to go and make all those things first. Then after that was all done and I had all those things made I then could go and follow the instructions on how to put the cake together. I’ve never made a cake before that had taken that long to make and had so many components. But in the end it was worth it because it tasted really good.  JR

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