Tart Station
This is my fourth station so far and my favorite as well! Last week I have been the kitchen manager oin the bakeshop and I enjoyed it! My duties included of course washing dishes, doin laundry and checking if ingredients are running low! This week I have the oppurtunity to show off my creativity by decorating the tarts! This week i got to make a coconut almond tart which turned out amazing and a way to show what I ment with the decoration part! The filling is made out of shreeded coconut,coconut milk,corn syrup and sugar. This awesome tart is topped with dark and white chocolate which are feathered into each other to create this fancy design ( as shown on picture). This station is great to show off and use creativity and imagnation. Making a tart lookk appetizing and make customers want to buy it right away. Because the look always counts first!! Great week so far lets see what it still will bring!!

Just Amazing;)